Jivrus Community

Welcome to Jivrus Community portal!
A place for everyone to collaborate on Jivrus

"Many hands come together to make Jivrus better every day"

Jivrus is made up of people.

Customers. Staff, Founders, Investors, Partners, and other Contributors make Jivrus alive and kicking every day.


Customers are the individuals and businesses that purchase goods and services from another business. Customers are important because they drive revenues; without them, businesses cannot continue to exist. When a customer buys any of our products we will cultivate a healthy relationship with the customer.


Staff refers to all of the employees at a business. Employee is an individual who was hired by an employer to do a specific job. Each employee has a specific job to accomplish that is often defined by a job description.


The person who creates an organization or a company is known as the founder. At Jivrus, see how Founders Michaes and Jasperin want their dreams achieved through long-term vision and hard work.


Investors are people or organizations who provide money and/ or other resources as a capital investment with an expectation of receiving better returns. At Jivrus, the Founders are the investors who put in their hard-earned money and effort. Achieving the vision is the return on investment for them


Partner ecosystem lays a strong foundation for the growth and livelihood of the company and products.

At Jivrus, we have established Technology Partnerships with key players in the industry and growing the network of Sales and Marketing Partnerships.


Beyond the normal, contributors from several walks of life are a great encouragement for our community. Some of the roles they play are listed here.

  • Contributors

    • Advisors

    • Well Wishers

    • Consultants

    • Influencers

    • Content Creators

    • Trainers and Coaches

    • Business and Product Advocates

And there is so much to collaborate on

  • Business

  • Technology

  • Products

  • Services

  • Websites

  • Videos

  • Documentation

  • Advisory

  • Legal

  • Privacy

Company is nothing but People

and this community portal is all about People